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Rolls-Royce / Pininfarina Hyperion
Hyperion Logo

Hyperion, a god of the Greek Mythology, was chosen to give his name to this very special convertible,
based on a Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe.


In 2008, Pininfarina presented the Rolls-Royce Hyperion at the Concours D'Elegance at Pebble Beach.
These pictures were taken at the Concorso D'Elganza Villa D'Este, in 2009, where the car was presented, too.

Rolls-Royce Hyperion

Pininfarinas department for special projects commisioned this convertible for Roland Hall, an enthusiastic (and rich) car-collector, who wanted to get a more exclusive bodystyle for his Phantom Drophead Coupe.
In April 2009, the public learned that Pininfarina plans to start a small series (up to eight cars).
They just have to find some potential buyers, who are willing to spend about 4.5-million Euro per car...


Jason Castriota, than designer at Pininfarina, today designer at Bertone (where his first project was the Mantide),
created a longer front, and shortened the passenger compartment.
In front of the windshield there is now an additional luggage compartment.

Pininfarina Hyperion

The front and rear don't look so bulky anymore, mainly caused by using new lights.
In my opinion, the passenger compartment is to short, so the car doesn't show real good proportions,
perhaps the canvas-top is not very helpful to make the car better looking.


Concorso D'Eleganza Villa D'Este 2009
