Fred Kendall's Photo Album
Stutz Meet 2004

One of the best chances to get photos of all the Stutzes at the Stutz Meet was, when they were lined-up in front of Graceland.
Fred Kendall took the chance...

Branko Kavcic and his Blackhawk-prototype.

Ken Ramsey's 1971 Blackhawk.

Butch Sedlow's 1972 Blackhawk, and a curious John Palermo, owner of the following car...

... this 1974 Blackhawk, preowned by famous Evel Knievel.

Phill Iturbide's 1974 Blackhawk.

Mike Armour's Blackhawk, again a 1974 model.

Clayton Crowe's 1975 Blackhawk.

Adrian Chadwick's 1976 Blackhawk.

Dee Kramer's 1976 Blackhawk.

Jim Milliken's 1981 Blackhawk.

David Douthitt's 1986 Victoria.

And here some interesting photos, taken when the cars had to leave Graceland.

Must have been very interesting to see so many Stutzes coming down the driveway...


Please note:
All these pictures were taken by Fred Kendall. These pictures are copyrighted.
Elvis, Elvis Presley etc. are registered trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.
All rights reserved.

back to the Stutz Meet 2004
stutzy memorabilia for the Stutz Meet 2004
Adrian Chadwick's photo album of the Stutz Meet 2004
Jim Milliken's photo album of the Stutz Meet 2004
Bryan Ramsey's photo album of the Stutz Meet 2004
Lee Secrest's photo album of the Stutz Meet 2004
Butch Sedlow's photo album of the Stutz Meet 2004
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