Stutz IV-Porte 1983
# 1G 3AN 69Y 1DM 779926

Stutz IV-Porte

This car was ordered by Alvin Snyder, who owned it until his death in 1998.

1983 Stutz

Since then, his son Todd owned the car.

Todd Snyder's IV-Porte

In 2017, the car was sold to Jim Milliken.


see Jim Milliken's other cars:

1971 Blackhawk

1972 Blackhawk

1974 Blackhawk

1975 Blackhawk

1981 Blackhawk

1981 Blackhawk

1982 Blackhawk

1979 Bearcat

1988 Bearcat II

1983 IV-Porte

Studebaker Golden Hawk

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